Natural Sequence Farming Scholarship Opportunity!

Published 4th February 2022. Written by Maddison O’Brien

Watershed Landcare encourages regenerative agriculture methods because their practice enhances and restores natural systems and biodiversity to become more in times of drought and flood. Over the years, we have supported our members to upskill and implement change on their landscapes through diverse funding and training opportunities. We are excited to announce two such opportunities with expressions of interest now open.

There are several different movements and training opportunities that could fall under the ‘regenerative agriculture’ umbrella. One such practice is Natural Sequence Farming (NSF), developed by Peter Andrews from Bylong NSW. NSF is a rural landscape management technique aimed at restoring natural water cycles to allow the land to flourish despite drought conditions. NSF offers a widely applicable method of reducing drought severity and boosting productivity on Australia’s farms and landscapes. The technique is based on ecological principles, low input requirements and natural cycling of water and nutrients to make the land more resilient.

Natural Sequence Farming is a whole-of-landscape ideology that focuses on the landscape first. When we understand how ecosystems have evolved and how they function, we can build sustainable patterns of land management that will improve the quality and long-term stability of our farms.

Are you a landholder who is keen to expand your land management ‘toolkit’ to improve productivity and resilience on your farm? In collaboration with Peabody Energy, Watershed Landcare is offering generously subsidised NSF training to selected applicants. The course will run over four days (26th – 29th April) with Stuart Andrews from Tarwyn Park training.

If you have a large property (100Ha or more), you could be eligible for this scholarship and are encouraged to apply!

Secondly, we have another opportunity to offer to the community. We’ll be sponsoring some members to attend the Conservation in Action Conference in May! The conference is one-of-a-kind, with a diverse range of speakers over three days. Get up to speed on the latest research, training, and news in the conservation space. The event is in Orange and will be a unique educational and social experience. If you’re keen, we’d love to receive your expression of interest.

Go to for more information about these scholarship opportunities. Expressions of Interest for both events close on the 20th March 2022. Selection criteria apply.

Regenerate & Create