From little things, big things grow!

Spring is just around the corner, and after all the rain we’ve had, it’s an ideal time to be thinking about planting out native trees, shrubs, and grasses. People often look to native plant species to attract birds, pollinators, and other wildlife and ensure what they’re planting is adapted to the harsh summers and cold winters we experience here in the Mudgee region. Choosing what species to plant and where to find them can be tricky, but Watershed Landcare has you covered.

Did you know that Watershed Landcare has its very own Nursery? Christine McCrae is a dedicated volunteer, and the Nursery started as a passion project in her backyard. Soon there were so many plants growing that Wendy Arnott, a close friend of Christine’s and fellow Watershed member, soon joined in on the fun, taking some of the young, frost-sensitive plants under her wing at her home.

Christine & Wendy at the Watershed Nursery under the new shade house that will enable more native plants to be grown locally.

Before long, this small-scale hobby operation was bursting with abundant varieties of local native species. Christine and Wendy had to find a new home for the Nursery, and it just so happened that locals Rowena and Daniel had a space to offer in Mudgee, which is where the nursery resides today.

The good work continues, but with the Small Farm Field Days being postponed, we’re putting the call out to locals, letting them know that a gorgeous variety of native species is ready to find their new home and are available for purchase.

By planting local species in your garden or the paddock, you will be helping our unique native wildlife, stabilise and improve the soil, provide shade and shelter, and boost biodiversity. Our region is home to such a fascinating array of trees, shrubs, and grasses, have a look at what we have growing that could be the perfect addition to your yard or farm.

Watershed tube stock is better than the rest! It is grown with love by our generous volunteers, not to mention it’s affordable! Profits go back into supporting the Nursery. Consider becoming a member of Watershed Landcare to receive a discount on nursery purchases.

We want to take this opportunity to thank Rowena & Daniel from Royston Petrie Seeds for being so generous with their space. Also, extending our sincere thanks to Michael King Trust for their donations to help the Nursery get set up, and thank you to everyone who has purchased tube stock at the Mudgee Small Farm Field Days in the past.

The Watershed Nursery would not exist if it weren’t for the enthusiasm and hard work by Christine & Wendy; your work is truly appreciated! Now, the Nursery is being improved, with the addition of new shade houses underway, thanks to the community’s support.

To see what we have available and to buy online, check out the nursery store and stocklist here:

We’re here to help, get in touch with Claudia at – Local Landcare Coordinator if you want to get involved or have any questions.

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