Far Out Fungi Trivia!

Published 17th May 2024. Written by Maddison O’Brien

Last Friday, May 10th, the Kandos Kitchen was abuzz with excitement as enthusiasts and curious minds gathered for a night of fungal fascination at the Far Out Fungi Trivia night. Hosted as part of Mycology May, an initiative supported by the Central Tablelands Regional Landcare Network, the event promised an evening of learning, laughter, and camaraderie, all centred around the mysterious world of fungi.

From the moment attendees stepped through the door, it was clear that this was not your average trivia night. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as participants mingled, eager to delve into the wonders of mycology. With twinkling lights adorning every corner and the scent of delectable cuisine filling the air, it was a feast for the senses before the games even began.

The main event proved to be a hit among attendees. Led by Local Landcare Coordinator Maddison O’Brien, participants were taken on a journey through the miraculous world of fungi. From the peculiarities of fungal biology to the myriad ways fungi shape our world, there was no shortage of mind-boggling facts and fascinating tidbits to absorb. Laughter echoed through the room as teams battled it out, showcasing their mycological knowledge and quick thinking.

In the midst of the trivia frenzy, participants eagerly tackled questions ranging from historical milestones to indigenous knowledge. “In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered a mold-derived antibiotic called what?” The room erupted with excitement as teams raced to jot down the correct answer: Penicillin. It was a moment of triumph for those who knew their fungal history inside and out, a testament to the depth of knowledge and passion present among the attendees.

Another question sparked intrigue and curiosity: “Indigenous Australians are known to have used the polypore fungi Trametes coccinea as a valuable tool to do what?” Contemplative silence settled over the crowd as teams pondered the possibilities before the answer emerged: “To carry fire.” It was a poignant reminder of the profound relationship between humans and fungi throughout history.

Throughout the event, there was a palpable sense of shared passion for community and environment. Attendees, affectionately referred to as “Fun Guys and Gals,” came together to celebrate the sheer diversity of fungi and how we interact with it every day. It was a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives like Mycology May in fostering appreciation, and stewardship of our natural world.

As the night drew to a close, spirits were high, and anticipation for the next Watershed Landcare event was clear. With a Fungi Foray at Ferntree Gully on the horizon for May 30th 2024, the excitement shows no signs of waning. Why not come along and discover the forgotton kingdom? All are welcome, for more info and to RSVP go to watershedlandcare.com.au/events

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