Conversations for Change in Gulgong!

Published 10th February 2021. Written by Maddison O’Brien

The Regenerative Agriculture movement has gained momentum over the past few years. With growing awareness of our environmental impact, it’s no wonder that innovative and sustainable agricultural practices have attracted attention amongst landholders. In a region with abundant farmland and natural resources, we have an opportunity to position ourselves as leaders in sustainable land management, protecting our environmental legacy for future generations.

It just so happens that NSW is home to some legends in the regen ag space. ‘Conversations for Change’ is an event to bring these knowledge holders together to present their stories to our local community. On the 25th of February, David Marsh, Col Seis, Josh Frappell, and John Fry will be in Gulgong for a one-day event.

We are privileged to have Boorowa grazier David Marsh with us for the event. David has the technical knowledge and a lifetime of practical experience to lead a compelling conversation for change. His property, “Allendale”, has long been a proving ground for holistic land management strategies prioritising biodiversity and soil health. His on-ground practice and ongoing Regen Ag advocacy have greatly influenced other landholders, and he was awarded the Landcarer of the Year award in 2018/19. You won’t want to miss his compelling story!

Boorowa grazier David Marsh is one of the speakers for ‘Conversations for Change’ discussing agricultural challenges and solutions to create a resilient future.

No local regen Ag event would be complete without local legend Colin Seis! Col is a farmer based near Gulgong with decades of experience and is an innovator behind Pasture Cropping, which has gained global recognition as a productive and regenerative agriculture practice. Colin will share his story of changing his way of thinking about landscapes and present some compelling strategies to move forward for a resilient future.

Josh Frappell is ‘The Regenerative’, a Regen Ag consultant based in Mudgee, helping landholders to restore balance to their landscapes. With a focus on soils and hydrology, Josh has a reputation for enabling nature’s natural systems to re-establish through a holistic approach. This talk will demonstrate different soil structures and insight into long-term strategies for sustainable farm productivity.

With a long record of environmental restoration and agricultural advisory, John Fry has designed and managed ecological engineering projects with local government, Landcare, Rivercare, Coastcare, and Bushcare throughout NSW and Queensland since 1992. Here he will present why water is a critical element in our landscapes and share some secrets of restoring our hydrological systems to support soil health, biodiversity and farm productivity long-term.

Join the ‘Conversations for Change’ and hear unique perspectives on our environmental and agricultural challenges and their tested solutions to create a resilient future.

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