The Bottlebrush – A Symbol of Resilience

Published 8th September 2023. Written by Maddison O’Brien

Under the brilliant sun, a picturesque scene unfolded as the Rylstone community came together for Rylstone Bottlebrush Day. This vibrant event, which took place on a sunny Wednesday, September 6th, proved to be a resounding success, uniting locals and students from Kandos High School in a shared commitment to environmental conservation and community camaraderie.

Rylstone Bottlebrush Day was conceptualized by members of the Rylstone District Environment Society (RDES) to honour and safeguard the Cudgegong River. The realization of this vision required the collaborative efforts of the community, and Watershed Landcare stepped in to support the event’s execution. They not only assisted in organising the day but also provided native bottlebrush plants from the Watershed Landcare nursery, courtesy of the Mid-Western Regional Council.

At the heart of the festivities was the planting of bottlebrush trees along the river’s riparian area. Guided by knowledgeable volunteers, participants eagerly embraced the task, carefully placing each sapling into the welcoming earth. Amid the shared endeavor, laughter echoed, and conversations flowed freely, as individuals from diverse backgrounds joined forces, forging new connections while strengthening the fabric of the community.

Students from Kandos High school, along with community volunteers, made the day possible by planting over 40 bottlebrush trees!

Cheryl Nielsen, one of the driving forces behind the event, expressed her delight, saying, “The turnout and enthusiasm we witnessed today exceeded our expectations. Rylstone Bottlebrush Day is more than just a planting initiative; it’s a testament to our community’s dedication to preserving the natural beauty of our region.”

The Bottlebrush trees are a wonderful addition to the Cudgegong Rivers banks, they can be enjoyed for many years to come by people and wildlife alike, providing food for native birds and insects. The Bottlebrush is the perfect vibrant symbol of diversity, resilience, and community spirit.

Rylstone Bottlebrush Day provided a platform for the younger generation to rekindle their connection with nature, instilling a sense of responsibility for the environment. As they lovingly watered the newly planted bottlebrush trees, their radiant smiles spoke volumes about the importance of nurturing a deep affinity for the natural world within our youth.

Bruce Christie added to the day’s inspiration with a heartfelt talk about Landcare, encouraging the students to give their best. Members of RDES sweetened the experience by offering an array of delicious homemade treats, adding a delightful finishing touch to a day filled with camaraderie and purpose.

Our appreciation goes out to all the students, teachers and volunteers who made the day something special. Thank you to MWRC for their generous support and to all the organisers of the event for having the courage and drive to turn this simple idea into a beautiful community moment!

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