Filling the gaps in pest control
A new role has been created to support pest animal control and programmes in our region.
There are five pest groups within the Watershed Landcare area, these being the Hargraves Hill End Wild Dog Group, Ilford Running Stream Pest Group, Rylstone District Wild Dog Association, Munghorn Wild Dog Group and the newly formed Piambong Yarrabin Pest Group.
These groups are volunteer run and strive to support landholders and residents within their areas to manage wild dogs and other pest animals. While 3 of these groups have been active for more than 15 years, like a lot of volunteer run, community groups, struggle with membership and getting landholders to be involved in programmes.
Five Pest Animal Group Coordinators are now helping to support groups such as these in the Central Tablelands. In the Mudgee region the position is hosted by Watershed Landcare, through funding from the Central Tablelands LLS, and works closely with the CT LLS Mudgee Biosecurity team. This is a unique partnership and is getting a lot of interest from around the state.
Beth Greenfield has been appointed as the Pest Animal Group Coordinator for the Mudgee area. Ms Greenfields priorities have been building relationships, communication and helping pest groups with governance and funding applications. There is also a focus on working collaboratively with the National Parks and Wildlife Service on pest management where there are common boundaries.
One of the notable achievements since the inception of the Pest Animal Group Coordinator role, just 6 months ago, is getting full coverage of pest groups in the Mudgee area. There was a lack of clarity about where existing group boundaries lay; these have now been mapped, and stretched where there were gaps, so every property in our region is now encompassed by one of the 5 pest groups.
Ms Greenfield has also been working on awareness raising to increase landholders’ reporting of wild dog sightings or their activity.
“There are many examples of people seeing dogs, not telling anyone and stock deaths occurring in the area shortly afterwards.” said Ms Greenfield.
“We’re trying to get people to take action when they see a dog and to get the word out.” she continued.
If you have seen evidence of wild dogs or suspect you are suffering from livestock attack or losses please contact your local pest group or the CT LLS Mudgee office.
Watershed Landcare Pest Animal Group Coordinator, Beth Greenfield, can be contacted for more information on 0438 090 525 or by email